April 27, 2020
Local Union 453, IBEW
In accordance with the International Election Memorandum, the Executive Board approved a mail-in nomination and election for the year 2020. Local Union 453, IBEW will conduct nominations and the election by mail for 2020 due to the mandated “stay at home” order.
Nominations for Officers of Local Union 453 will be accepted by mail between May 1, 2020 and May 21, 2020. Any nominations received after the mail run on May 21, 2020 will not be allowed. Nominations will be addressed to our Recording Secretary, 2902 E. Division St., Springfield, MO 65803. Nominations will be opened and recorded by the local’s current officers. An election judge and tellers will be appointed after nominations have been recorded. None of these may be a candidate for office. The election judge will confirm acceptance from nominee.
Offices to be filled:
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Business Manager/Financial Secretary/Delegate
Executive Board Members – seven (7)
Examining Board Members – three (3)
Delegate and Alternate to the International Convention
All offices to be filled as outlined in IBEW By-Laws and Constitution.
To be nominated, a member must have a minimum of 2 years of continuous good standing in Local Union 453, i.e., that the member is current in their payment of dues and has been for the 2 years preceding the nominations. No apprentice shall be eligible to hold office in the Local Union.
The election shall be conducted by mail ballot.
Each candidate shall be entitled to an observer at the union hall and during the counting of the ballots.
Official ballots will be mailed to member’s last known address with instruction on how to mail back. Ballots returned to the election judge and received at the post office after 12:00 noon on June 11, 2020 will not be counted. The ballots will be counted immediately following the mail run on June 11, 2020, and the results shall be announced immediately after all ballots are counted. A complete listing of the results shall be posted on all union bulletin boards by the close of business on the day following election.
Run-off election, if necessary, will be held Thursday, July 2, 2020.
The same rules shall apply to the run-off election as to the regular election.